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Where to find the LEGO Fortnite desert, Dry Valley

Getting warmer... Here's where to find the Dry Valley biome, also known as the desert, in LEGO Fortnite.

Where to find the LEGO Fortnite desert biome seems like it should be an easy question. Deserts are full of sand, few things grow there, and you burn up and die if you spend too long in one.

LEGO Fortnite, however, makes finding the Dry Valley desert biome a bit difficult, though, thanks to how the map works and where the Dry Valley ends up being on most standard worlds. Either way, prepare to travel, prepare for hot weather, and let's get going. Here's where to find the desert (Dry Valley biome) in LEGO Fortnite.

LEGO Fortnite desert location

The Lego Fortnite desert – officially called the Dry Valley biome – is almost always directly opposite the frozen biome. When you spawn near the Cuddle Leader (or another villager, in some instances), look around until you spot some frosty peaks. Face the opposite way from them, and keep walking until you eventually reach the Dry Valley biome.

You can tell you’re getting closer when you see stony spires in the distance. That’s where you want to go.

If you can't see frozen mountains in the distance, you're on the right track.

You can use LEGO Fortnite seeds to shake up biome placement if you want, and some even put them closer together. That’s handy, since a standard world in LEGO Fortnite is very large.

That’s the easy explanation. The slightly more complex one is that you’ll want to explore a bit and bolster your heart supply before striking out for the desert. Dry Valley is, in my experience, always beyond the Shores biome, and the Shores are where you find the crab enemies who can flatten you in one go.

Exploring and gathering resources first means you’ll have the right tools to harvest the desert’s special items, including flexwood and brightcore. These require advanced tools – you need a tier-3 Rare Axe to harvest flexwood, for example – so you might as well come prepared.

Finally, we recommend exploring the Frostlands biome before venturing into the desert. You’ll find berries there that stave off extreme heat. Most of the caves I’ve visited in the desert have lava in them, and the heat rapidly depletes your health. You can also find chili peppers in the desert to help survive the cold.

LEGO Fortnite's desert is a pretty dangerous place, even with heat-beating food, so you might want to recruit some villagers to help deal with the more challenging foes there.

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