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The Fortnite Season 8 Week 7 challenges are here - time to earn your XP and Battle Stars

As certain as night follows day, here are another week’s worth of Fortnite challenges, freshly delivered from Epic Games.

It's not a hugely exciting week, but everything's still worth the same amount of stars!

We’re on Season 8 Week 7 already, and while Epic Games has introduced a few new diversions this week, the old reliable suite of tasks are here to complete.

Fortnite Season 8 Week 7 challenges

  • Damage while riding a Zipline
  • This looks like one to try and complete as quickly as possible after the challenges drop, since a lot of people will be hanging around the ziplines trying to complete this task. A saving grace is that this doesn’t have to be completed in a single match, so try using a fast-firing weapon across multiple games if you’re struggling to land shots. The second stage: "Deal damage to enemies while they're riding a Zipline", is much more difficult, and you'll probably have to try and complete it in the same way - hanging out by the ziplines a lot.

  • Deal damage from above
  • As building gets more and more important in the late game meta, effectively getting above your opponent is a key skill in Fortnite. If your building isn’t the best, how about landing in Tilted Towers and shooting from the top of buildings?

  • Deal 100 damage with pickaxe
  • We’ve seen this challenge many times before, so you’ve probably found your strategy by now. A lot of people will be playing squads this week because of the new reboot van, and using your pickaxe to finish off already downed enemies is an easy way to grind damage.

  • Eliminations in 5 different named locations
  • Which locations? Any locations! Land in congested areas of the map and you should be able to pick these up naturally.

  • Open chests in Loot Lake and Snobby Shores
  • This one isn't too difficult, and can be cleared in a couple of good runs through Snobby. Try looking in the back yards and garages of the houses, while in Loot Lake hover above the area while you're dropping in and you should be able to spot any unopened chests.

  • Visit Pirate Camps in single match
  • The Pirate Camps are quite far away from each other, so you’ll have to make a bit of an effort to get to more than one in a single game. We have a full map of them so you can plot your own course, but try going between the one south of the volcano and the one to the west of Dusty Divot, or the one northwest of Paradise Palms and the one to the south of Salty Springs.

  • Stage 1: Visit Junk Junction and The Block in a single match
  • These are super close together, so this isn't hard. However, if you're after maximum speed, we'd recommend starting at Junk Junction so you can grab a shopping trolley to ride over to The Block. Stage 2 of this challenge is to visit Pleasant Park and Dusty Divot, and Stage 3 is Happy Hamlet and Snobby Shores.

This isn’t the only new set of challenges dropping in Fortnite this week. Over the next few days you’ve got the Buccaneer’s Bounty challenges - which nets you in-game item rewards - to catch your attention as well.

For more of what's new in Fortnite this week, check out the v8.30 patch notes.

The rest of this season’s main weekly challenges are still live and just waiting to be completed! You can see all of our tips for completing them below:

Fortnite Season 8 Weekly challenges

You can also check out where to find the Fortnite Season 8 hidden Battle Stars and Banners here and the Endgame challenge list here.

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