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Here’s how Conquest and Breakthrough work in Battlefield 2042

Conquest and Breakthrough return in Battlefield 2042, but major changes had to be made to accommodate the game’s expanded scale.

Battlefield 2042’s Conquest and Breakthrough are the two modes in the game’s All-Out Warfare multiplayer experience. Though they largely work as they traditionally have, you can expect a few updates.

Conquest’s pace is being built to allow for big, bombastic moments as well as quieter strolls through the game's maps. But DICE is also conscious that the bigger scale could have too much of the latter at the expense of the former.

The team’s solution is sectors and clusters. While Conquest still revolves around capturing and holding various points across the map (flags) to bleed the enemy team’s tickets, these points – called clusters – now exist in sectors, not unlike what you see in Breakthrough and Operations from past Battlefield games.

In order to claim a sector, players will need to capture all objectives within it. These objectives will be where most of the action happens, clustering players together – true to the name. The number of objectives within each sector varies, and could be anywhere from three or four to a single objective per sector.

You can also expect these objectives to cater to a wide range of gameplay styles, some will, for instance, be preferable to infantry and close-quarter players, while others are wide open to support armour-assisted gameplay.

Breakthrough has seen no changes. It’s still a full-on, head-to-head fight between an attacking team and a defending one. Attackers must capture all objectives in a given sector before they could advance to the next one.

Every time this happens, attackers get to refresh their tickets, while defenders continue to have infinite tickets. Of course, if attackers repeatedly fail to capture a sector and drain all their tickets in the process, the match ends with defenders as the winner.

For a recap of everything else we learned about Battlefield 2042, read on below for the rest of our coverage:

Battlefield 2042 is out October 22 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Here's where you can place a Battlefield 2042 pre-order.

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