Elden Ring Legendary Sorceries and Incantations locations
Looking to grab all of Elden Ring's achievements? Here's how to grab all Legendary Sorceries and Incantations.
UPDATE: We've plenty of new Elden Ring guides, so we've updated this page with some additional information that we've learnt about the game. We've also added some links to our guides on specific item locations if you're in need of more help.
Elden Ring is packed with armaments to collect, bosses to fight, and plenty of secrets to uncover. Amidst all that it has to offer, there’s also legendary pieces of gear for players to find if they hope to 100% the game’s achievements, and this includes tracking down all Legendary Sorceries and Incantations.
Tracking down all seven of Elden Ring’s Legendary Sorceries and Incantations will land you one of multiple achievements for the RPG, but some of these magic spells are hard to come by. With that in mind, here’s where to find all Legendary Sorceries and Incantations in Elden Ring.
Please take care of some Elden Ring spoilers below.
Elden Ring Legendary Sorceries and Incantations locations
In Elden Ring, there are a total of seven Legendary Sorceries and Incantations to collect from across The Lands Between. These spells and their locations are as follows.
Flame of the Fell God
- Prerequisites: 41 Faith
The Flame of the Fell God comes from Adan, Thief of Fire in the Malefactor's Evergaol. You'll find the prison on the southern shores of Liurnia.

The Incantation sends a giant ball of fire towards enemies, which explodes after a few seconds, making it - honestly - pretty bad. It's fun when you can successfully pull it off, though!
Greyoll's Roar
- Prerequisites: 28 Faith, 17 Arcane
Greyoll's Roar unlocks for purchase at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion after defeating Greyoll in Dragonbarrow (northern Caelid, the bridge south of the Bestial Sanctum). It'll cost you three Dragon Hearts.

The Incantation unleashes a roar from your character, reducing attack and defense for all enemies within range.
Elden Stars
- Prerequisites: 50 Faith
This Incantation derives from the Elden Ring itself and fires a host of small and large golden stars at enemies. The small ones break the enemy's stance, and the large ones explode, dealing heavy damage. Elden Stars can be found in the Deeproot Depths.
Head west from the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace, up the roots, and into the cave at the top of the roots. You'll find the spell on a corpse inside.
Founding Rain of Stars
- Prerequisites: 52 Intelligence
To get Founding Rain of Stars, travel south from the Freezing Lake Site of Grace, and you'll come across a ravine. Stop and take note of where the white patches are in midair (and any player messages). These mark a safe but invisible path you can follow up to Heretical Rise, and you'll find the sorcery in a chest at the top.
Founding Rain of Stars creates a shower of falling stars around the player.
Ranni's Dark Moon
- Prerequisites: 68 Intelligence
Ranni's Dark Moon is a more powerful version of Rennala's moon spell, but you'll have to progress Ranni's quest near to completion before you can get it.
The spell is in Chennala's Rise on the high plateau in Liurnia that only opens after defeating Astel.
Comet Azur
- Prerequisites: 60 Intelligence
The Comet Azur spell is part of Sellen's questline. The sorcerer who has the spell is behind Demi-Queen Maggie on Mt. Gelmir, though you can just run by her and grab the spell without completing the boss battle if you want.
Stars of Ruin
- Prerequisites: 43 Intelligence
Stars of Ruin is an enhanced version of Star Shower and fires multiple starbursts at once. It, too, is part of Sellen's quest. You'll get it from Sorcerer Lusat in Sellia Hideaway.
For more on Elden Ring, why not check out what other sorceries and incantations you can sling across The Lands Between? We've a list of Elden Ring's best Incantations, as well as Elden Ring's best spells and sorceries for you to peruse and melt through bosses with.