Dragon's Dogma 2 Saint of the Slums quest guide
How to get in the Gracious Hand's basement and gather evidence
The Dragon’s Dogma 2 Saint of the Slums quest has several moving parts – and no shortage of misinformation floating around – though the rewards are worth your trouble. Aside from the satisfaction of bringing a poisoner to justice, you get a hefty bag of gold.
A few sites claim Saint of the Slums is a timed quest. It isn’t. It doesn’t have the timed quest marker, for one thing, and I spent at least two in-game weeks messing around with other quests and faced no consequences for it.
Our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Saint of the Slums guide goes over how to enter the basement and find evidence so you can bring the abbess to justice.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Saint of the Slums
How to start Saint of the Slums in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you’re looking for new quests to complete and haven’t started this one yet, you have a prerequisite quest to handle first: The Heel of History. Once you find Malcolm, agree to keep Kendrick’s library secret, and return aboveground, you should witness a scene between the abbess Elena and two angry parents. The father accuses Elena of harming patients in the church’s care, and she tells you the allegations are untrue.
She does, however, need ingredients to help create medicine for the suffering – miasmite, specifically.
Saint of the Slums: How to get miasmite in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Miasmite drops from phantom enemies. These floating phantasms have a chance of appearing pretty much anywhere at night, including the roads outside Vernworth. Sit on a bench to pass the time – or rest at a campsite until nightfall – and be on your way. Make sure you have at least one magic-based class in your party. Defeating phantoms with physical attacks is a challenge and takes ages.

Not every phantom drops miasmite, so it might take several battles before you get the three chunks Elena needs.
Take them back to her and hand them over to start the quest’s next phase. Elena takes you around the church and then leaves you in the main room, next to a sick patient named Lubomir – the son of the angry parents.
Saint of the Slums: Investigate the Gracious Hand basement
Here’s where the quest gets a bit confusingly open-ended. Speak with Lubomir to learn about Elena’s previous patients and their untimely deaths. Your next task is to investigate the basement, which is easier said than done, especially if you miss one little clue: Elena does her rounds at night.

How to get in the basement of the Gracious Hand church
That clue is, itself, a little misleading. You might think Elena would keep you from entering the basement at night, but it’s actually the only time you can enter the room. Wait until after sunset, enter the church, and turn left. Take the stairs down, and enter the room on the right. There’s nothing of interest in this antechamber, so continue on into the next room.
This one is the church’s sickroom. There’s not much for you here in terms of items, but you can speak with some of the patients to get information about those who survived. Enter the room behind it, and take the medicine bottle from the desk and the patient records from the bookshelf.
This part is technically optional. You could just follow Lubomir’s advice and speak with Elena’s former, living patients at the slum sector’s tavern, but these two pieces of evidence are important for completing the quest later. Don’t skip it.
Speak with Bruno and Jehan at Walter’s Tavern
Head to the tavern – the open-air gathering spot north of the Gracious Hand church – and speak with the two men sitting down on your left.

I only saw them during the day, so you might want to wait on a bench again until morning if you can’t find them. They’ll explain how Elena’s care affected them, but they don’t ascribe their malady to her medicines.
Witness Lady Elena’s suspicious meeting
Next up is a bit of eavesdropping. Head to the common quarter’s square in Vernworth at night, where you’ll spot Elena meeting a mysterious man and providing updates on her medicine trials. Some people say you can mess up the meeting and scare Elena away. As long as you don’t drop into the square from above or attack the pair, though, it seems like frightening her off is pretty hard to do.
Show the medicine to Radcliff
Return to Lubomir, and then set out for the Checkpoint Rest Town in western Vermund. You can take an oxcart from Vermouth’s west entrance if you want, or hoof it if you’d rather have an adventure. Speak with Radcliffe in the house below Myrddin’s, and wait while he examines the medication from the church basement.

While you’re here, consider taking on the Jadeite Orb and Prey for the Pack quests to get some extra coin.
Radcliffe explains how dangerous Elena’s medicine is, and then the game just tells you to collect more evidence. You have all the evidence you need, though, so the next step is dealing with Elena in person.
Gather evidence
Travel back to the Gracious Hand church when you’re ready – again, it’s not time-limited, so you can handle other quests before returning. Lubomir is in the basement, and Elena stands guard outside the sickroom, regardless of what time you visit.

The only way to apprehend her is by literally tackling her. Press the “grab” button, and your character will instantly pounce on Elena. What happens next seems to diverge depending on what you did earlier.
Some players say you get sent to jail for tackling a nun if you don’t have enough evidence. Apparently, I had enough. After I wrestled Elena to the ground, a Vernworth guard praised my efforts and handed me 11,000 gold coins.
Saint of the Slums quest ending

The quest ends there – except it doesn’t. Speak with Lottie. She’ll shout at you for having the abbess arrested before apologizing and saying how difficult their work will be now. Head back to the Checkpoint Rest Town, and speak with Radcliffe again. Tell him the church needs medical aid, fork over 3,000 gold. Visit the Gracious Hand again to see the quest’s true ending.
If you're after more Dragon's Dogma 2 help, check out our Sphinx riddles guide for answers to every riddle.