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2K Europe: BioShock 2 still "looking strong for early 2010"


It looks as though BioShock 2 is still on for an early release in 2010, according to 2K Europe.

Apparently, there was a bit of confusion yesterday over at Joystiq regarding the release date, when a representativetold the site that "'early 2010' is a much more realistic release date than 'second quarter 2010" for the game to land on shelves.

To clarify, the Stiq has updated the original post.

Just to make sure though, we contacted 2K to confirm that the game is still on schedule.

Sure enough, a 2K Europe spokesperson told us that BioShock 2 is "still looking strong for early 2010".

Thank goodness. No need to hang ourselves in the barn now.

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