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One of the worst things about Lords of the Fallen will not be changed

Lords of the Fallen developers are happy to keep one particularly controversial aspect of the game's design intact.

A knight takes up a third of the image on the close end, then far away soldiers approach. There is a forest setting, blanketed in red mist.
Image credit: CI Games

If you've been playing Lords of the Fallen yourself, or followed any coverage about the game since its release, you'll be immediately familiar with one particular complaint that most players and reviewers have with the game.

It has to do with the number of enemies the game throws at you at every corner, and its tendency to add in bosses you've previously fought into the mix with standard mobs. This is something I called out in our review of Lords of the Fallen, and it's an issue so widely discussed that you could see it getting changed with patches.

That's not going to be the case, however.

Saul Gascon, Lords of the Fallen creative director at HexWorks, appeared on a lengthy Q&A Twitch livestream with content creator Fightin Cowboy. The wide-ranging interview touched on many topics, including some of the most controversial.

Enemy density was brought up, of course, and Gascon's answer to the feedback was a little surprising. According to the studio head, the team is happy with the current status of enemy placement/density, so don't expect changes there.

As recapped by Reddit users supercakefish and Jancey3, Gascon's rationale is that the game offers players multiple ways of approaching situations tactically, and different tools to deal with mobs. They also pointed out that many areas have alternate paths that can help you avoid high-density spots.

HexWorks has actually been fairly response to feedback so far, nerfing the power of ranged enemies, adjusting certain boss attacks, and even making a big change to the protection bonus granted by parry guards to make them more worth attempting.

Which is what makes this statement a little surprising. Lords of the Fallen's combat does have a much faster pace compared to most Souls-like, and that rhythm can work well when multiple enemies are on screen, in a sort of Soul Reaver way. But, as I argue in the review, the game does it far too often for it to be effective as a difficulty modifier, and ends up being tedious and frustrating.

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