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Lords of the Fallen's final major update says screw it, lets you balance the game yourself

The Lords of the Fallen roadmap has reached its conclusion, with one last big milestone.

Lords of the Fallen developer HexWorks has delivered one final major update, rounding out the game’s months-long roadmap of new content and patches. Available today, the 1.5 Master of Fate update is the culmination of over 30 patches released since the game’s launch last October.

Master of Fate’s biggest feature is the Advanced Game Modifier System, a randomiser that gives players the power to balance and tweak several core aspects of the game.

The system includes seven modifiers, which you can control before starting a fresh game, or after finishing your current playthrough and starting a new one on the same character.

The list of possible options isn’t extensive, but it covers things like mob density, the ability to tweak enemy spawns, randomising loot, and even making it so all weapons found come pre-upgraded up to your current level. If you’re a real masochist, you can turn on Ironman mode, which limits your life to one. Lose it and you’d have to start the game from the beginning.

There are new achievements to hunt, too, for those who already finished the game. The even better news is that you’re not stuck with the choices you made, as you’ll be able to adjust your modifiers at any Vestige (bonfire) throughout the game.

HexWorks is very happy with the work it put into the game over the past six months, claiming that game crash percentage has now dropped to under 1% - which is a far cry from where things were at launch. Framerates have been improved across all platforms, and the annoying hitches that occurred whenever the game auto-saved have been fixed.

Traversing the world of Lords of the Fallen should now also be smoother, and the game’s initial shader compilation on PC has been sped up and optimised. Whatever your feelings are about the live service-y way HexWorks has gone about post-launch support for a primarily solo Soulslike, there’s no doubt the game is better today than it was in October. Some design decisions may never be altered, but perhaps the new game modifier system can lessen their effects.

If any of that has you interested, you may be happy to learn that Lords of the Fallen is currently on sale for 50% off - its biggest discount yet. This is only applicable to the PlayStation Store version at the time of this writing, but the same discount will also be available during CI Games’ Steam publisher sale on April 29. So maybe bookmark Lords of the Fallen’s Steam page if you want to pick it up then. No word yet about a similar discount on Xbox, however.

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