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Check out Resident Evil 4 Remake’s short but sweet anime trailer

It's an awfully cute take on Resident Evil 4.

It’s safe to say that Capcom’s marketing for Resident Evil 4 Remake is well under way. After a horde of stellar reviews were shared last week, declaring the remake a complete success (our own 5/5 review included), Capcom has more under its sleeve to get players excited.

Capcom, of course, knows full well the chokehold that Resident Evil 4 has over its fans, both old and new. As such, a short, but sweet anime trailer for the game has been released showing off fan-favourite characters in a more charming, whimsical scenario (thanks, Kotaku). It certainly makes that quiet, parasite-ridden Spanish village look a lot more inviting.

This anime trailer comes with a lengthy title — ‘Resident Evil 4 Anime PV Resident Evil Masterpiece Theater - “Leon and the Mysterious Village” EP 1’ — and a short, 56 second run-time, and is well worth the minute of your time.

We see Leon finally descend upon this eerie village, with Ganados overwhelming him as he plays the role of the himbo, as per usual. Sure enough, Leon’s head is cracked open and rainbows come flying out. Leon’s deceased self descends upon the stars with a bunch of colmillos, while the screen reads, “You are dead.”

The short animated trailer comes from a studio some of us might be familiar with, and that’s Nippon Animation. The Resident Evil 4 trailer is part of its World Masterpiece Theatre program from way back, which featured animated adaptations of various popular media. I doubt we’ll be seeing more, but it would be nice to witness some of Resident Evil 4’s iconic moments animated in such a fun, playful way.

If only dying in Resident Evil 4 was all parasitic puppies and rainbows… now that’s an anime I would watch! What do you think of the anime trailer?

Resident Evil 4 releases on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S on March 24, 2023.

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