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There's an Assassin’s Creed Easter egg in Far Cry Primal

A side quest in Far Cry Primal as an Assassin's Creed Easter egg in it. Or at least a bit of a reference to it. However you view it. The video is posted below if you want to have a look. Want to find it for yourself? Advert your eyes, then.

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Posted by GamesRadar, the video has the players collecting various items for a rather simple fella named Urki. The potential quest will become available once the tutorial missions are finished and you've spend a few hours in the game.

The quest is titled Urki The Thinker, and the odd fella you're helping out is a prehistoric version of Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4's Hurk.

Once you have collected the items for Urki, you will be presented with the Assassin's Creed Easter egg.

Far Cry Primal is out today on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It releases on March 1 for PC.  Have a look at the review scores in our round up.

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