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How to form a Posse and play co-op in Red Dead Online

Want to group up with your pals and lay waste to the Wild West in Red Dead Online? Here’s how you make a Posse.

If you just want to jump into a game with a friend and complete missions together, you can choose Posse Up from the main Online menu before you even go into a game. Here’s how you do it all in-game:

Red Dead Online - how to play co-op

Once you’ve loaded in, press left on the d-pad to bring up the menu. From there, go to ‘Posse’. Here you’ll see a list of available Posses that you can join. These are other groups of players in your session who are looking for co-op partners.

To create your own Posse, press Square on PS4 or X on Xbox One. Here you will have a list of options.

Red Dead Online - temporary Posses

Temporary posses are free and only remain for the duration of your session. This is how you quickly group up with friends so you can complete missions and activities together.

You can set the privacy to invite only or open so anyone can join. You can also choose whether you want friendly fire on or off, as well as choose the location of your camp.

Red Dead Online - persistent Posses

Persistent posses last forever and get a bunch of benefits. To create one of these, you must pay an admin fee of $200, but they’re worth the price of admission if you want the full Red Dead Online experience.

We have a growing guide to Red Dead Online, including help on how to make money fast, find treasure and gold bars.

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