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Quantum Break patch inbound, may drop this week

Quantum Break is great but could certainly use a bit of patching, hey.

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Quantum Break patch inbound, may drop this week

A new Quantum Break patch is currently in certification, developer Remedy Entertainment has announced.

The new title update is the second since the shooter's April 5 release, and could arrive on both PC and Xbox One by the end of this week.

No patch notes have been released for Title Update 2, but we have a fair idea of what Remedy has been working on thanks to an exhaustive list of known Quantum Break issues, many of which are specific to the wobbly PC port. There have been no further updates from Remedy since this list was published, so it's unlikely that its priorities have changed in terms of support for the time-bending shooter.

The live action TV hybrid seems to be going down fairly well despite the problems and a mixed bag of review scores. James had a smash at Quantum Break for us and found it pretty fun - but not the revolutionary release it was positioned as way back at announce. A lot has changed at Xbox in the intervening years, which likely has a lot to do with it.

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