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Remedy is teasing a new game with a reveal trailer "coming soon"

Quantum Break developer Remedy is teasing a new game.

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Studio head Sam Lake revealed the new on Twitter, with a video featuring clips of himself. In the middle of the video it says: "New trailer coming soon." See for yourself.

Soon could mean at any time, or during The Game Awards 2016 which takes place two weeks from today on December 1. We're placing our money on the latter.

Back in June, the Alan Wake studio announced it had two titles in the works – neither of which were an entry in the aforementioned franchise.

The studio has expanded to form two teams,  and one was working on a brand new Remedy game with a new partner.

Back in April, it was revealed one of the studio’s projects was at least nine months into development, and one title went from an "early concept" to a new Remedy title which would be released "sometime in the future.”

“We can’t wait to show and tell your more about these new projects, but if there’s anything we’ve learned from the past, it’s that we should have the patience to announce games when they’re ready enough," said the firm at the time. "We’re very thrilled about the triple-A games we have in the works and where we are as a studio right now.”

In September, the firm announced it was expanding the single-player elements it's best know for by dipping its toe into cooperative multiplayer.

Remedy has stated more than once it would return to the Alan Wake IP when the time was right, but you never know. They could have changed their minds and are bringing another one to us sooner rather than later.

That's just wishful thinking on our parts, honestly.


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