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Capcom looking into creating more DLC for Resident Evil 5


Looks like some more DLC may be heading to Resident Evil 5, according to Capcom's Christian Svensson.

Speaking with VG247 during its latest podcast, Svensson stated that currently the firm is discussing the possibility of releasing more downloadable content for the title, and is looking to the community for ideas and suggestions.

"We're talking about it. I don't know if you have seen some of the threads on Capcom Unity, but questions came up on whether we are going to do any more," he said. "I asked what people would want to see and that spawned a thread that was literally hundreds of posts long and had tens of thousands of views.

"I mentioned that thread to the team and we have discussed it ever since. So I will leave it at that."

More DLC is always a good thing. Especially when it involves shooting parasite infected enemies out to get you.

The full podcast can be listened to through the link.

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