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Visceral's Star Wars game is rumored to give you a partner in crime

The Star Wars game nicknamed "Project Ragtag" may give players a criminal partner with a story of her own.


Perhaps the only thing more exciting about Visceral Games' upcoming Star Wars project is we know remarkably little about it - giving us lots of room to guess and fill in the blanks. The more reliable-sounding rumors suggest that it has been nicknamed Project Ragtag, and follows a common criminal across the Star Wars setting learning to become a hero. Now even more rumors have dropped about "Dodger's" partner, whose reported role is so significant, she'll take the lead in a sequel.

According to a report from, Dodger's partner goes by the name of Robie Mattox. She's a gunslinger in her early thirties who grew up as an orphan until she was taken in by the Wandering Star crime family. Apparently she will be one of the few characters Dodger can trust, despite a hatred of droids that extends to his personal field medic. Apparently yet-unseen concept art says she will be played by Natalie Morales, known for her roles The Grinder and Parks and Recreation.

What's really significant is that Mattox isn't being planned as a one-off character. Visceral is rumored to be developing the character to such an extent that she'll be able to lead her own Star Wars sequels if Project Ragtag is a success. Perhaps that's getting a bit ahead of ourselves, but if it means Mattox actually feels like a strong presence watching your back in a blaster fight, it might just be worthwhile.

Of course, these are all still rumors, but they certainly fit the swashbucking theme Visceral reportedly has planned for Star Wars. We'll find out when the unnamed game launches in 2018.

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