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Ubisoft doesn't have a Splinter Cell game in production - report

Don't get excited for Splinter Cell's return at E3 this year.

Kotaku's Jason Schreier killed the hopes of stealth fans everywhere during a recent episode of the outlet's Splitscreen podcast. Despite seemingly mounting evidence, Ubisoft doesn't seem to be bringing back Splinter Cell anytime soon.

"I’ve asked a bunch of people about this because everybody wants to know if a Splinter Cell game is coming," said Schreier. "Everyone I’ve talked to has said no, as far as they know there is no Splinter Cell game in production.”

A new Splinter Cell has been on the cards for a while - Blacklist was released almost six years ago, after all. Ubisoft seems aware of this too, with an ageing Sam Fisher's appearance in Wildlands last year.

Division 2 creative director Julian Gerighty teased fans further last month. Gerighty got his kicks out of announcing he'd started work on a new entry, even swapping his own Twitter avatar for the rugged visage of Third Echelon's finest.

There might be a nugget of truth, still. It's possible Schreier's sources weren't told about another sneak 'em up if it's in early pre-production.

But if Sam Fisher is gearing up for a return, don't plan on him breaking from the shadows this year.

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