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Two years later, first Shenmue 3 teaser reassures us it's still happening

Shenmue 3 may escape Kickstarter limbo after all. Cross your fingers!

The Shenmue 3 development team has been far from silent over the past two years since the project's shocking E3 2015 announce and record-setting crowdfunding campaign, but not a lot of what's been said has been widely publicised, and there's been little to show.

That's the nature of game development, and one of the difficulties of crowdfunding and working in the public eye, so we should maybe cut some slack and just enjoy this first Shenmue 3 teaser.

The trailer was released for gamescom 2017 and shows off what seems to in-game assets, so it should give you a reasonable idea of what Shenmue 3 might look like as a finished product, should that day come.

Watch on YouTube

A few months ago, Shenmue 3 was delayed to the second half of 2018, which was frankly not surprising. A project of this scope on a relatively small budget, even with the external funding we don't have the details of, is not something you whip up in a couple of months. Heck, it's only been in full production for nine months at most.

It's nice to get a proper teaser for Shenmue 3 faithful after all their patience. Here's hoping it all pays off for them in the end; we've had a few too many high-profile Kickstarter burns lately.

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