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Mystic Messenger guide: win Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, 707 and V's hearts

Anime artwork for Mystic Messenger showing the main characters in the game.
Image credit: Cheritz

Mystic Messenger is a mobile game in which you attempt to organise a party and win the heart of the object of your affections.

Sounds pretty nice, right? A relaxing, casual game? Nope!

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Believe it or not, casual is the very last word you’d use to describe Mystic Messenger: it requires real commitment. The game plays out in real time, with opportunities to participate popping up at all hours of the day and night. A full playthrough of a single character route will take you 11 days, and even more if you want to collect multiple endings on each character route.

When a game demands such a heavy commitment, there’s no shame in using a walkthrough. Our Mystic Messenger guide is designed to offer multiple levels of assistance: to equip you with what you need to know to play the game successfully if you want to work it out for yourself, or to provide a complete walkthrough if you really must see and do everything, perfectly.

Although you don’t need to action every bit of available content to guarantee a Good End or even see every one of the non-fail endings available, you will need to be prepared to check in with Mystic Messenger through your day.

Ready to go? Good. Let’s chat the heck out of these bozos.

Mystic Messenger general guides

  • Mystic Messenger: essential things you need to know

    In this guide we explain how to play Mystic Messenger, and set you up to solve it on your own, with the minimum amount of spoilers. This will equip you with a full understanding of the Hearts and HG currencies, the save and load systems, how the chat and email systems work, and much more.

  • Mystic Messenger email guide: Casual, Deep and Another Story

    The correct replies you’ll want to enter in order to guarantee RSVPs to Mystic Messenger’s endgame party; you'll want at least ten complete RSVPs to unlock the best endings, and the correct answers aren't always obvious. Contains slight, unavoidable spoilers for email content. Covers Casual, Deep and even Another Story modes.


Mystic Messenger chat times schedules

If you just want to know what time your favourite pretty will be keen to talk so you can win their favour and lock in their character route, these pages gives the timing for every chat. This is your best option for planning your day and when you'll check in with the game, without exposing yourself to spoilers.

We've divided the chat times schedules by Story Mode (for the pre-character route days) and by character route (for Day 5 and beyond) as appropriate.


How to get a specific character route in Mystic Messenger

The pages below will walk you through from the Prologue to the end of Day 4, giving you the precise answers you'll need in each relevant chat so you can get on the character route you want to lock in. This is absolutely handholding. We don't mess about teaching you how to get on character routes on these pages!

We've recently added a guaranteed walkthrough on how to get to V's route, as Cheritz has said a second route is coming to Another Story mode sometime in early 2018.


Mystic Messenger endings guides and route walkthroughs

These pages are real spoiler territory - full walkthroughs of Days 5 through 11, giving all correct responses to reach a Good End on each character route. These pages also contain an Endings guide for the specified character, as well a guide on how to unlock all of them in the most efficient way possible.


Mystic Messenger tips and resources by character

We've got hub pages dedicated to each Mystic Messenger character that gather together all the resources linked above specific to each potential sweetie, while also providing general tips for each of your love interests. The idea is that these pages let you quickly access everything pertinent to one specific character.

On the pages listed below, you'll find general, mostly spoiler-free advice and then links to more in-depth guide and walkthrough information - so again, you make up your mind how much assistance you want.

That's it for now - everything you should need to see all the content Mystic Messenger has to offer as of early January 2018. We're hoping to be back with an update after the next big patch, so stay tuned.

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