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Why was this mission cut from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain?

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain once had a Mission 51. What happened to it?

The PS4 Collector's Edition of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain comes with a Blu-ray stacked with bonus content. According to YouTuber Inzaa, these materials include a look at a cut mission which had been intended to serve as one of the final sequences of the game.

You definitely shouldn't watch the video below if you're yet to finish The Phantom Pain, but if you have, rejoin us below for speculation.

Watch on YouTube

This mission seems to provide a great final encounter, and to lead nicely into the events and character development of (chronologically) later games. What happened to this mission? Why would Hideo Kojima and his team cut it? It's all a bit mysterious.

Can we expect DLC in the future to flesh out The Phantom Pain's ending and maybe return some of this content, or has the whole Konami split axed any such plan? Would you even want? more content? Hmm!

Thanks, Kotaku.

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