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Genshin Impact Arkhium Stock and how to use the Forging Press

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Assembling Genshin Impact Arkhium Stock is a key part of exploring Fontaine’s hidden corners. Using it to forge Arkhium Lumenite is the only way to enter one of the Liffey region’s secret areas, where you’ll find a Hydroculus, some valuable treasure, and some of the Fontaine achievements as well.

Getting to that point involves figuring out how to work the Arkhium forge, and it’s a bit of a process.

Genshin Impact Arkhium Stock

How to get Genshin Impact Arkhium Stock

The only way to get Arkhium Stock is by assembling seven pieces of Mysterious Ore. Some chunks are locked behind world quests, though you can find others in certain parts of the Liffey region. Our Genshin Impact Mysterious Ore locations guide explains where to find them all.

What to do with Arkhium Stock in Genshin Impact

Your Mysterious Ore automatically turns into Arkhium Stock once you collect all seven pieces of it. The next step is transforming it into Arkhium Lumenite and the Forging Press.

Genshin Impact Forging Press location

Finding the Forging Press is not an easy task unless you know where to look. The road there starts in the chamber with the Millennial Pearl Seahorse boss, which you need to fight for your Neuvillette build. Skirt around the arena’s right side, and dive into the water. The tunnel spits you out in a large room with a Waypoint in front of you and a Meka on your left. Fight it or ignore it, and keep moving forward.

At the end of the large tunnel is another pool. Dive in, and follow it until you reach the next room. This route eventually spits you out in a large round area with another Meka, one on wheels with a flaming Pyro buzzsaw. Defeat it, activate the mechanism, and enter the next room. This is where you’ll find the Forging Press.

Genshin Impact Arkhium Press puzzle

Place the Arkhium Stock in the forge’s center. Now you need to turn the gas off. Travel around the room’s lower portions, and use the valve handles to shot the gas off like you did in Road to the Singularity. Return to the forge controls, and begin the forging process.

Wait until a Pyro shield forms around the Arkhium Stock, and then activate the press. Repeat this action several times until a group of Pyro Slimes appear and overheat the system. Defeat the slimes, and then activate the cooling mechanism.

Arkhium Press cooling system

The cooling system is really just a fancy way of saying “flood the room.” Break the rocks with blue veins in them under the Hydroculus location on the eastern side of the room to flood the chamber. The rocks are unbreakable before reaching this point of the process, so you can’t speed anything along by trying to shatter them sooner.

Use the press a few more times. You’ll then get a notice that water has entered the system.

Remove the Red Meanies from the drainage vents around the room to siphon off the excess water, and finish the press process. The room will flood completely, and in the center, you’ll find your Arkhium Stock transformed into Arkhium Lumenite.

What to do with Arkhium Lumenite in Genshin Impact

Your shiny new Arkhium Lumenite is a key that unlocks a hidden chamber in the Liffey Region’s eastern side. Travel to the mountain waypoint southeast of the lake, and glide to the west. Drop down this hole.

Use your Lumenite on the device to open the door, and head inside to collect a Plume of Death from the Golden Troupe set, a Hydroculus, and two Luxurious Chests.

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