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Destiny weekly reset for August 23 – Court of Oryx, Nightfall, Prison of Elders changes detailed

A new week has begun in the world of Destiny.

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Destiny weeks start on Tuesdays, as you know. Like every week, the reset happens and brings new fun things for players to get busy with. That's a new Nightfall strike, different Court of Oryx and Prison of Elders encounters and bosses, and more.

Take a look at the new activities below:

Weekly Nightfall The Undying Mind is back again this week, with Void burn and modifiers Berserk, Specialist, and Juggler.

Berserk prevents enemies from flinching, even after massive damage. Specialist grants bonus damage to special weapons. Juggler makes it so you never get ammo drops for the weapon type you have equipped.

Court of Oryx

Balwur, Daughter of Savathun is the tier 3 boss this week, but it's not too hard.

Prison of Elders

-Level 32: Urrox's Grudge

-Level 34: The Forever Eater

Sterling Treasure

Every new week brings more chances for you to earn Sterling Treasure chests. You get a free one just by visiting the Postmaster at the Tower or the Reef.

Two more can be earned during the week, once for completing a match in the weekly Crucible playlist, and another when you finish a full game of a Level 41 Prison of Elders. You can find out more about what you can earn from Sterling Treasures in our our comprehensive link.

King’s Fall raid challenge

Warpriest is inviting challengers this week. Be sure to consult our full guide before heading inside, or give this video a watch to make things easier on yourself.

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