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Traditional scoreboard, server browser and other missing Battlefield 2042 features DICE may bring back

Battlefield 2042 may look a bit different in a few months, depending on how many legacy features make a return.

Battlefield 2042 developer DICE is clearly interested in winning back some of the goodwill it lost with the game's messy launch. The developer has already communicated what players can expect to see in the game from now until the holidays.

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In a long and detailed blog post, DICE shared its intentions to release two - potentially three - patches between now and the end of the year. The first of those is out tomorrow, and it's going to address some major issues players have been having, such as excessive weapon bloom and revive bugs.

Then, in early December, a follow-up patch will make more significant changes that touch everything from balance, bug fixes, the return of certain features, UI decluttering, to audio and even Specialists balance.

All of that is welcome, of course, but DICE is also aware that a segment of the game's audience wish for certain staple, classic Battlefield features to be implemented into Battlefield 2042.

For instance, the lack of a traditional scoreboard and a post-match global stats screen are two absent elements regularly called out by many in the community. DICE said it's "carefully evaluating" these requests, but stopped just short of confirming whether or not they're in development.

The studio did, however, promise to circle back to these topics when there's more substantial news to talk about. The list extends to a traditional server browser - which is currently only available in Portal - as well as things like voice chat - something that's already confirmed to be in development.

Battlefield veterans, of course, are lamenting the loss of a great deal more, but perhaps wishing for a return of the class system and things of that nature are beyond the scope of what the developer can do now that the game is out.

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