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Baldur's Gate 3's huge Patch 6 is now live, and yes, it includes a bunch of new kisses

Wahey, the new snogs we were promised!

A player kissing Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3.
Image credit: VG247/Larian Studios

Good news, people who like watching their Tav munch on the lips of Baldur's Gate 3’s gang of companions (we’re not judging btw), Patch 6 for the game is now live, following enough teases to kill someone.

It’s been a little while since we last got a properly beefy patch for Larian’s RPG, with the late November one that brought the game a new epilogue and its fearsome honour mode being the most recent non-hotfix update for the game. To be fair Larian has had some save and ban issues to sort out on Xbox since that point, so it’s been busy.

But forget all of that, here's Patch 6's full notes! The highlights include now being able to "dismiss a recruited companion from your party while speaking to the companion you want to replace them with", a bunch of new camp idle animations, and an array of new kissing options.

"We’ve made improvements to locking lips with your chosen romantic partner! All characters now have unique kisses that reflect their personality, with an emphasis on the plural. These kisses are randomised and vary from the incredibly romantic to… uh, a little more intense. Kisses have also been improved for shorter and taller body types, so embrace without delay," Larian says regardling the latter of those.

Some of the game's endgame cinematics have also been tweaked "to better reflect the connection between players and their partners", which is cool. Hopefully being able watch a very nice animation of Halsin whittling his dagger, Minthara contemplating a skull, or Shadowheart (checks notes) polishing her spear as part of those fresh idle animations you'll see going on in your camp will also bring you closer to your crew.

Aside from these additions , Larian also says it's "fixed a deluge of player-reported issues (Shield Bash fans, rejoice!), and made several tweaks and improvements to the game. If you’re playing in Honour Mode, expect a few extra surprises in the form of new Legendary Actions for bosses, and maybe a bit of extra trouble from a certain Mound."

The developer also notes: "If you experience issues after installing our latest update, please check whether the issue persists with mods uninstalled." So yeah, make sure you consider doing that (obviously, this doesn't apply to console players) if you run into new issues like some PC folks did after the arrival of hotfix 16.

Make sure to scroll through the gargantuan full notes for this BG3 patch if you've got a spare day or two. Oh, ad read about a speedrunner beating honour mode in less than 20 minutes.

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