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Anthem patch 1.03 fixes HDR issue on consoles, crashing, Heart of Rage boss, more

Bioware has released a patch for Anthem.

Anthem has received a client-side update which has fixed a few pressing issues.

Today's update is just a small taste of a "growing list of improvements" its evaluating for the future.

Here's some of the known issues fixed with today's 1.03 patch, per Bioware:

  • The final boss in the Heart of Rage stronghold isn’t appearing if the group wipes before engaging
  • HDR is currently disabled on consoles (Xbox One and PS4)
  • Some players are encountering issues that are causing them to crash

Some issues can be fixed on the fly while the game is live, without need of a client update. Here's what was fixed yesterday:

  • Coin changes for Daily/Weekly
    We have fixed an issue that displayed and rewarded the incorrect amount of Coin from various activities.
  • Stronghold Matchmaking
    We have extended the timer that allows for matchmaking in a stronghold. This should allow groups to fill easier when matchmaking.
  • Non-stop Rain
    We have fixed an issue that was causing it to rain in game more than intended.
  • Fusion Proc Bonuses on Weapons
    Weapons were incorrectly applying infusion proc/bonuses from being equipped when they should only have been applying bonuses from the weapon that was in the active slot.
  • Chests found in Missions changes
    Chests found in missions now have less of a chance to drop higher tiered items. Stronghold chests have not been touched. This change was only applied to random spawning chests that could be found in missions.
  • Emotes Not Properly Saving
    We have fixed the issue that was causing emotes not to save properly when bound.
  • Shield Fix
    We corrected an issue that was allowing players who still have shields active to be one shot by high damaging attacks.

The studio has also updated the release roadmap which shows you what to expect going forward in Anthem.

Anthem was released to the public yesterday, February 22, on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can look over the day-one patch right here.

For more Anthem, check out our guides on how to complete the Tomb of Yveniahow to unlock your Legendary Legion of Dawn items and gear where to find all the Challenges, and and nice breakdown on Primers, Detonators and Combos.

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