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BioWare would like you to know that Anthem has not been abandoned

BioWare has shared a brief development update on the future of Anthem, and the studio.

BioWare head Casey Hudson posted a new letter on the official blog. In it, the veteran manager revealed the studio continues to have "a big team" working on Anthem in both its Edmonton and Austin locations.

"While it’s been great to see the community response to Cataclysm, I know there’s a lot more work to do to bring out the full potential of the game," said Hudson.

Interestingly, Hudson also revealed that BioWare is working on addressing Anthem's fundamental problems, but reiterated that this process will take time. While that work goes on behind the scenes, Anthem will continue to be updated with smaller features and new content.

It's no secret at this point that Anthem didn't have the longevity many, including EA and BioWare, hoped it would. A longstanding list of core design problems, bugs, server issues and more have kept the game from making a dent.

Even now, after the release of the long-promised but poorly received Catalyst update, things are looking even more grim. Ben Irving, one of Anthem's biggest champions at BioWare recently departed the studio, and some are already calling for the game to be outright euthanized.

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During the same blog post, Hudson also confirmed that the next Dragon Age game is in pre-production, though without outright naming it.

"I can say however that one of our projects has a large and growing team in Edmonton working through pre-production, and based on the progress I’m seeing, I can confirm that indeed the Dread Wolf rises," he said.

The Dread Wolf Rises was the name of the teaser BioWare dropped at the Game Awards last year with strong connections to the Dragon Age universe. Although the game has obviously yet to be officially announced, reports indicate BioWare has rebooted the project several times.

Hopefully, whatever it is, BioWare's next game won't be remembered for its problems.

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