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Star Wars: Obsidian CEO would love to pitch new game to Disney

Star Wars studio LucasArts may have been shuttered by new bosses Disney, but that hasn't stopped the house of mouse from considering licensed games based on the Lucas universe moving forward. Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart has expressed interest in pitching them an idea.

In an email to Eurogamer, Urquhart said, "I had seen the news about LucasArts which was sad to see. LucasArts was a great supporter of Obsidian when we were first starting out and many of their games are ones I, personally, count as favourites.

"As for Obsidian pitching a Star Wars game, or games for that matter, we would love to. Getting to work within the Star Wars world was a tonne of fun and it would be great to get to do so again."

The email follows an interview with Urquhart back in February, in which he explained he already has a pitch that LucasArts liked before it was closed, and that he fully intends to pitch it to Disney once the time is right. Read all about it here.

What would you like to see Obsidian pitch to Disney? Let us know below.

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