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RAGE: Tearing and texture issues can possibly be fixed with updated AMD and Nvidia drivers

Bethesda has put up a list of things which could help those running into screen tearing and texture issues when playing RAGE on PC.

According to the post on the Bethblog, a lot of times these problems can be remedied by fixing driver issues, and id Software is working with AMD and Nvidia to resolve problems as quickly as possible.

Users with the aforementioned cards should do the following:

  • AMD users need to update to the most recent RAGE Catalyst driver. Grab it here.
  • Nvidia users should try updating RAGE to the current beta driver. When this driver is updated, a notice will appear on the Bethblog.
  • Check the forums for solutions that can improve reported issues with screen tearing, blurry textures, and texture pop up.

id is currently working on an update which will allow users to more easily make configuration changes. Details on this will be announced "shortly".

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