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I didn't want to look like "an egotistical p***k" - Tim Willits on that pooping Rage 2 NPC

Update: We emailed Tim Willits to ask how he feels about the Rage 2 easter egg of Wimothy Tiliits, an NPC that's sat on a toilet, laughing maniacally and stroking dead rats. Apparently he loves it.

"It’s funny, he replied. "During production, a number of the team had our faces digitally scanned for use as NPCs (it saves time modelling new heads). My character was originally a tough guard, one of the first NPCs players would have met in the game, but I felt if I made myself important in the game, I would look like an egotistical prick who asked the team to make sure players saw my character.

"So... I asked the team to put me in some corner as maybe 'a rat meat vendor'. It turns out, I should have been more specific with my request. The team had some fun with my character and I love what they did. It is quite funny and it shows the quirky and fun side of RAGE 2."

Original Story: Tim Willits, studio director at Rage 2 co-developer id Software, has been immortalised in the game in a bizarre way.

Normally, when developers insert themselves into their creations, it's through the name of a random character, a mention in an audio log, or something to that effect.

In Rage 2, a game that's not so subtle, Tim Willits plays a character named Wimothy Tiliits (via PCGamesN). This NPC doesn't talk, and he's not even part of the story.

Instead, you'll find Tiliits in Wellspring sitting on a toilet - presumably taking care of business, and... eating a rat? He's certainly obsessed with rats, because his little abode is decorated with a few of their carcasses.

Like most random NPCs in Rage 2, you can get closer to hear them say one line of dialogue or go through a canned animation. In this case, Tiliits is petting a rat as he laughs sinisterly.

You can visit him yourself when you reach Wellspring. Once you enter the town, turn right into the alleyway and keep going until you find him. Or, you can watch the video below from xGarbett instead.

Watch on YouTube

If you're more interested in hunting the more useful Arks in the world of Rage 2, our Ark location guide will make that process a breeze.

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