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Second Rage 2 expansion TerrorMania is out November 14

The second expansion to Rage 2 will be made available on November 14.

Bethesda has released details for second Rage 2 expansion, TerrorMania. In it, you will explore an alternate reality of the wasteland, the Deadlands.

The wasteland has been cursed, causing an alternate reality to form. You will be tasked with reversing said curse before "the skeletal forces of darkness" are unleashed. Hurry and accomplish your goal before these evil forces take over the land of the living.

To help you combat these skeletal enemies, a new weapon is available. It's not just any old sword though, as it's also the key to unlocking the gates between realities.

Here's a breakdown of what you can expect in the expansion:

  • New Location: The Deadlands – Explore an alternate reality version of the wasteland. Once you complete the DLC story, you’ll be able to return to each location in the Deadlands and experience them again.
  • New Enemy: Army of the Dead – Face off against the undead versions of familiar factions like the Goon Squad, Immortal Shrouded, River Hogs and Abadon Muties.
  • New Weapon: Sword of Transitus – The Wasteland Wizard goes on and on about how the Sword of Transitus is an ancient relic of unspeakable power, capable of unlocking pathways between worlds… but it’s totally also a really cool sword you can stab people with, and that’s way more important. Charge up the Sword of Transitus to unleash an arc of devastating force.

TerrorMania can be downloaded upon release through the in-game store for 500 RageCoins ($5). It is also available as a Digital Deluxe Upgrade for 1750 Rage Coins ($17.50).

If you already own the Deluxe Edition, you will automatically gain access to the DLC for free.

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