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Paul McCartney's Destiny song is a bit of a stinker

There's a lot of things I really like about Destiny, but Paul McCartney's theme song isn't one of them.

I love the firefights, the co-op gameplay, the constant rewards and the beautiful landscapes.

I find most of the cheesiness endearing - the robot goblins and corny dialogue - but this theme song just pushes too far over that edge.

I understand attracting the man who wrote Helter Skelter and Live and Let Die to your game makes it more legitimate in the eyes of big media business, but it also seems like Activision has got a bit more money than it knows what to do with.

Anyone could have written a cool theme song. And maybe get someone involved who, you know, young people might recognise?

Anyway, don't take my word for it, I usually only listen to misogynistic rap music. Make up your own mind:

Thanks to Kilo Juliett for the upload.

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