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Minecraft Earth beta coming soon, new gameplay released

Mojang has shown off the first gameplay footage of Minecraft Earth as the game approaches public testing.

The developer confirmed that the Minecraft Earth closed beta will be kicking off "in the next two weeks" on iOS. The game is coming to Android, as well, but beta testing for Google's platform will follow sometime after iOS.

Minecraft Earth, if you're unfamiliar, was initially unveiled in May as an augmented realty (AR)-enabled version of the popular game. Similarly to Pokemon Go, the game lays a virtual world on top of the real one. Through your phone screen, you're able to mine resources, and build and create alongside others in a shared world.

Today's gameplay footage does a great job of explaining how it all works, and what you can expect from the upcoming test. Being a closed beta, however, only a select few will be invited.

You can still sign up for a chance to get an invite.

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