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The Fortnite Unvaulted Event brought back the Drum Gun and destroyed Tilted Towers

Looks like the Drum Gun is back in Fortnite. Oh, and Tilted Towers is gone.

Over the past few days, Fortnite players worked decipher mysterious runes which appeared at Loot Lake around the metal structure at its center. There were strange monitors in surrounding buildings showing images of vaulted weapons, which led folks to believe something was coming back.

Eventually, the puzzle was solved, and all players had to do was wait until today, May 4, for the giant door in the center of Loot Lake to open.

Like the monitors which surrounded the area, vaulted Fortnite weapons appeared and each were frozen in ice. Items such as the Drum Gun, Tactical SMG and four other items were inside - all frozen in blocks. Well, the Drum Gun is back, folks. Players were able to vote on various weapons vaulted throughout the years - and that was the once chosen by the community. All of the items in ice were the choices, and it seems only the Drum Gun was added - no matter which block you broke.

The Drum Gun, which is basically a Tommy Gun, was added to the game in summer 2018 as part of Season 5. Apparently, it was a favorite of the community at large, so it's making a return for Season 9.

During the Unvaulted Event, the Volcano which has been spewing lava, finally went full Vesuvius, throwing boulders into the air.

Titled Towers was destroyed in the process; Retail Row's parking lot is in shambles; and Polar Peak now has a crack in it. Other areas of the map were hit by flying boulders, but as of press time, we're not sure of everything that was demolished.

Fortnite seasons tend to end with a bang, but many players were unable to participate in or watch today's Unvaulted Event. Going by various comments made on social forums, many were stuck in the lobby. Rather unfulfilling way to end Season 8.

If you missed it, give the video above from Fanbyte a watch.

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