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EA admits Anthem is crashing PS4 consoles

After a weekend of user reports and complaints, EA admitted on Monday night that Anthem is crashing PS4 consoles.

Players had reported Anthem was crashing and shutting down the PlayStation 4 at random, prompting many to ask Sony for refunds for the troubled online loot shooter.

Last night EA said it was aware of the problem, is looking into a solution, and asked players for detailed reports where possible.

At the time of writing, 248 players have reported the problem on EA official tech support page.

Anthem launched last month to a significant number of muted reviews, after a bungled launch. It is now Bioware's lowest rated game.

Anthem was released early to subscribers to EA's Origin service but was riddled with bugs. A day one patch was rushed out before release in order to address issues that had players who had paid extra for the privilege of playing early up in arms over the poor quality of the initial release.

A convoluted release date staggered over different days didn't help the situation, while the game also became embroiled in a controversy over reviews and paid promotions with influencers and YouTubers.

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