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Destiny rapper returns with a tongue-twisting rundown of every single Exotic armour piece

Destiny is all about dress-ups - don't kid yourself - so let's celebrate the best costumes in Bungie's closet.

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Destiny rapper Duba has put together a loving tribute to the shared-worlds shooter's enormous array of Exotic armour - helmets, gauntlets, boots and all.

From Titan gauntlets ACD/0 Feedback Fence to the Warlock helmet Astrocyte Verse, the rap runs through the entire collection, showing off each piece in turn. A huge stack of Destiny players make appearances in this video; our good pal Arekkz is in there somewhere, almost certainly as one of the Hunters.

This is a sequel to the Destiny Exotic weapons rap from June 2016 - before Rise of Iron arrived to add a few new boomsticks to the arsenal.

Everyone's feeling the Destiny love today, what with glorious rumours floating around and Activision reiterating its 2017 Destiny 2 release plans.

There's a lot to criticise in Destiny (although it has improved a great deal as time went on, and I always loved it anyway) but the breadth and variety of its weird and wonderful weapon and armour names is something I sure hope Bungie retains for the sequel. I don't think I'll care if Bungie throws the whole lot out the window for Destiny 2; it just means there'll be a new stack of Exotics to collect.

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