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46 Exotic Weapons, 1 Rap Verse: Destiny's amazing boomsticks celebrated in terrific music video

Awesome bit of writing, terrific video editing, hot guns. This one has it all.

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Destiny fans are probably familiar with YouTuber DUBA, who delivers a rap about Xur's inventory each week. Seeking to one-up himself, the silver-tongued Guardian has put together a rap verse referencing each and every one of Destiny's exotic weapons.

From Ice Breaker to Zen Meteor, the rarest and best-loved of Destiny Year One and Year Two boomsticks are given a little moment to shine in a clever work of lyricism. The video is pretty cool, too. It was shot with assistance from Destiny players Sir_winnybob, JSkeleton, Skallywag, St5ranger, Stkewa, bgr2far, The_Kuhnster and PROPH3CY_, who lent their in-game likenesses and collections to the endeavour, and there's some very cool emote use.

Although we're warned that there's no encore, there's a good opportunity for a follow up; we know there are new Exotics coming with Destiny: Rise of Iron.

Destiny may be a divisive pastime but I think we can all agree Bungie certainly knows how to make up imaginary weapons. This has made me want to get out there and earn all the Exotics I've been too slack to chase this year, before Destiny: Rise of Iron launches in September and they're potentially outdated again.

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