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Borderlands 3 best weapons: How to get the Queen's Call, King's Call, and Conference Call Legendary Shotgun

When there are so many weapons to choose from in Borderlands 3, just how are you supposed to have a favourite? Luckily, there are a few firearms that you just can’t ignore that take their undisputed place as some of the best weapons in Borderlands 3.

There's a lot of buzz around the twin Queen's Call and King's Call revolvers. While one of the elite models of shotgun we’ve found is the Conference Call.

If you’ve played games in the series before then you might recognise the Conference Call from previous adventures, and know that it’s an absolute beast of a shotgun.

Because it’s a Hyperion manufactured weapon, the Conference Call has the trademark front-facing shield for added protection when you’re moving in for the best shot, and this one even has a decent reload speed for when you’ve burned through all eight shots.

What’s more, absorbing damage with that front-facing shield actually returns shells to your magazine, letting you keep on firing in the heat of battle.

The Queen's Call and King's Call on the other hand are based around critical hits. For each critical you score three rounds are returned to your magazine and three projectiles are released that home in on nearby enemies - similar to one of Amara's later passive skills.

Be warned with the King and Queen's Call, there are spoilers for Borderlands 3's final boss!

How to get Conference Call

Our friends over at Arekkz Gaming have a method for reliably farming this legendary boomstick, which you can see in the video embedded below:

Basically, you have to farm the Katagawa Jr boss on Promethea.

Every boss in Borderlands 3 has a checkpoint right before their battle, so all you need to do is quit the game, reload, and do the fight again if you don’t get the weapon you want.

Arekkz and his party report that they’ve managed to get the Conference Call quite consistently using this method:

  • Head to Rhys’ office on Promethea as part of the story mission
  • Enter the Katagawa Jr boss fight and beat him
  • If you don’t get Conference Call, quit the game
  • Reload Borderlands 3 and you should be at the checkpoint before the fight
  • Repeat until you get the shotgun

If you’ve already completed this boss, don’t worry. You’ll be able to farm both anointed and legendary weapons in perpetuity with Mayhem Mode once the credits roll.

When you finish the main game you’ll also be able to unlock the Proving Grounds endgame activities as well.

How to get Queen's Call and King's Call

To grab your Queen's Call, you'll need to take on "Tyreen the Destroyer" and farm the boss as many times as possible for the best chance of drops. The differences between Queen's Call and Kings Call seem to be cosmetic, with each gun able to spawn dealing different types of elemental damage, but with the same perk.

You'll want to play on Mayhem Mode level 3 as well to increase your odds, but that does make the boss considerably more difficult.

There's not much more to it than that!

There are a lot of great legendary shotguns in Borderlands 3, and only some of them are memes like the Rick and Morty gun and the One Punch Man gun - links to how to get those are on the words in this sentence.

For more on Borderlands 3 here’s how to get free Golden Keys with Shift Codes, farm Eridium, and a look at some of the best character builds we’ve seen so far.

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