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Bethesda's E3 invite features Dishonored, Doom, Wolfenstein… but no Fallout

Bethesda is going first at E3 this year with a showcase of games on Sunday night. What clues can we see in the press invite?


Skyrim publisher Bethesda has sent out confirmation of its E3 showcase, taking place Sunday June 14.

The invite includes a number of Bethesda game characters including Wolfenstein's BJ Blazcowicz, a Cyberdemon from Doom, Sebastian from The Evil Within, some Elder Scrolls Online characters and a Tallboy from Dishonored.

That leaves a few obvious MIAs, including Vault Boy from the Fallout games. Unless he's not old enough to attend.

We'd be foolish to assume this is any real representation of what will be shown in June. But everyone's hoping for a Fallout 4 reveal, right?

We'll be in the audience, and Bethesda is livestreaming the event, so we'll be able to watch it all unfold together. Hold me close.

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