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Anthem endgame video shows contracts, Strongholds, Cataclysms, more

This Anthem endgame video delves into the first story you'll experience and takes a look at various challenges, Cataclysms, and more.

Bioware has released a new video showing off some of the Anthem endgame content, and it looks rather interesting.

Along with the aforementioned gameplay, you'll get a look at javelin personalization, as well as contracts and Strongholds.

The studio not only provided a look at Anthem endgame content, but posted a complete breakdown which we've added below.

Some of what you'll read has been covered before, but a quick refresher is always handy.

Anthem endgame - difficulty, leveling, contracts

Level Up

  • As you take on missions in Anthem, your Pilot level will increase, making new aspects of all your javelins available. Once you reach max Level 30, javelins can still be upgraded with higher-level gear. The higher the rarity, the better the gear, and the harder it is to get. Once you reach Anthem’s endgame content, you can grab new gear in a variety of ways.

Harder Difficulties

  • Anthem has six total difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, Grand Master, Grand Master 2, and Grand Master 3. The last three tiers are unlocked when you reach Pilot Level 30. Once you complete the main story, you can up the difficulty of the entire game for a greater challenge.  The higher the difficulty level, the better your chance at finding highest rarity gear and personalization items.


  • Different endgame objectives will reward you with crafting blueprints for gear and personalization items. Others reward you with crafting materials and coin necessary build  the schematics into complete items. Complete a variety of endgame missions, including contracts and challenges to unlock and gather all the pieces.

Contracts and Legendary Contracts

  • As you become a more powerful Freelancer, people in Fort Tarsis start to notice you, and put you to work. Different factions will offer contracts: sometimes unpredictable missions with unique problems. Improving your reputation with different groups will give you access to crafting blueprints.
  • Prove yourself to your faction partners, and you may receive a Legendary Contract. These multi-part missions are take more work, skill, and firepower to complete. The rewards will be much greater, though.


Anthem endgame - Strongholds, Cataclysms

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Challenges

  • Once you have a blueprint, you’ll need crafting materials and coin to create gear you've your eye on. Completing regular challenges will reward you with the raw materials needed to turn those gear drawings into the real thing.


  • Strongholds are some of the highest-level fixed challenges in Anthem and put your entire squad to the test. These longer missions will have you fighting some of the deadliest enemies in the world deep into unknown territory.
  • Fight your way past every obstacle, and you'll earn some of the best loot. Just be sure to stay in constant communication with your team to make it through to the end.

Exploring the World

  • All mission types can be accessed through the game's free-roaming mode, called Freeplay. After venturing out into the world, you can take a targeted approach and head straight for various missions and Strongholds marked on the map. You can also take a more leisurely hunt for secrets and loot. World events happen randomly in Freeplay and the environment can change in a second, so stay sharp. You never know what your adventures will lead you to – rewards, mysterious discoveries, or something you'd rather not find.


  • The world of Anthem is terrifying, dangerous, and unpredictable – and you will have to deal with its deadliest phenomena, called Cataclysms. These world events cause physical changes to the world like extreme weather, deluges of hostile creatures, and changes to the landscape that will reveal new mysteries to solve. Taking on these challenging events will earn you some mysterious rewards which will be revealed at a later date.

Along with the aforementioned, you expect to meet new characters, and participate in new missions and stories in the future. The first content update will drop in March with the release of Act 1: Echoes of Reality.

You can also watch us play a max level endgame mission at the link if you like.

Anthem’s public demo ran last weekend, with a VIP session for players who had pre-ordered available the prior week. Hopefully, all the wrinkles experienced during the demos will be ironed out by release.

Anthem is out February 22 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One - depending on which edition you ordered and other factors.


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