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Yoshida "happy" to see Sony games go episodic

Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida gave a shout out to TellTale in discussing the PlayStation 4's support for new business models.

Speaking to Polygon, Yoshida commented on Sony's avowal to support non-traditional models like free-to-play and episodic release with its new console during the PlayStation 4 reveal.

"Episodic has been talked about for a long time and most people are skeptical until [they] play The Walking Dead. Now we are big fans of episodic gaming. We're believers now," he said.

"Hats off to [the] Telltale guys, they proved it works."

TellTale's The Walking Dead was a critical and commercial smash, and nabbed a plethora of awards.

"I'd be happy to see some of our games adopt that model in the future," Yoshida said when asked whether Sony might pursue the format itself.

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