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Walking Dead: Episode 3 due in August

TellTale has apologised for the delay on the recently-launched second episode of The Walking Dead and promised the next entry will drop next month.

"Although we can't give you an exact date at this time, we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible," TellTale said in a blog post.

The developer thanked fans for their patience during delays to the second instalment's release; it was good two months between the first two episodes, and European PlayStation 3 owners had to wait an extra week on top of that.

"Our goal from day one has been to deliver your game episodes as quickly as possible, and where we can, simultaneously across all platforms and regions," TellTale wrote.

"We've been working closely with our phenomenally supportive partners to try to make this a reality. We will continue to work on this and furthermore, we will strive to improve our communication with you so that you know what’s happening. Please rest assured that we are doing all we can to get your game episodes to you as quickly as possible."

The first episode of The Walking Dead sold over a million copies.

Thanks, GameTrailers.

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