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Uncharted 4 video delves further into "pushing technical boundaries" with PS4

Yesterday, Naughty Dog released its third Uncharted 4: A Thief's End developer diary which touched upon how PlayStation 4's architecture was helping it create the "ultimate Uncharted experience." Today, the team has released a fourth diary, which discusses the subject further.

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Titled Pushing Technical Boundaries – Part 2, Naughty Dog goes into detail on how the PS4 system has "allowed for richer gameplay experiences."

This is the fourth of five episodes giving fans a look at behind-the-scenes development. There's one left titled The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End: In the End. Expect it to be released sometime before launch, obviously.

The first diary provided a brief look how the series has evolved since Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune debuted in 2007. The second featured the team and Uncharted 4 voice actors sharing what it was like to "grow up" with the franchise and the impact it's had on character and story development.

If you missed the previous previous developer diaries for Uncharted 4, we've linked to those above, and if you want to get caught up on everything Nathan Drake, be sure to check our page stub.

It was announced over the weekend development had wrapped upon the title.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End releases on PlayStation 4 May 10.

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