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Uncharted movie sequel script is apparently in development, according to Marky Mark Whalberg

A sequel was a safe bet, though hasn't been officially announced as of yet.

Uncharted (2022)
Image credit: Sony Pictures Releasing

Sounds like we can expect to see an Uncharted 2 movie sequel at some point in our future, as an update has been shared by Sully himself.

Despite being a bit of a miss from critics' perspectives, the Uncharted movie was a success financially, with Sony calling it a "hit movie franchise," strongly implying a sequel. White it hasn't been confirmed by Sony itself, it appears that Mark Whalberg, who played Sully in the first film, confirmed that a sequel is currently in the works (via The Direct). When asked about a potential sequel, Whalberg responded, "I've heard lots of different ideas. I know somebody's written a script, and they're still working on it, and it would consist of having the moustache the whole entire time. Which completely makes sense; obviously, in that final scene, I have the moustache."

Just to make things clear here, Uncharted fans will obviously be aware that part of Sully's look in the games obviously is his notable moustache, something that was only featured at the end of the film adaptation. Quality of moustache aside, Whalberg did explain that he grew it himself, saying, "I spent quite a bit of time growing it because, at one point, we tried to do it with a fake moustache, and, I don't know. I just don't have the confidence to pull it off. It just feels like there's a big piece of tape over my mouth, and I feel ridiculous."

He also noted that when he "finally got the moustache, people really appreciated it. And it was a nice tag to the end of that film. So if we can make it better than the first, you know, I'd be open to it, but I only know as much as you do right now." That last part isn't technically true given that we didn't know a script was being worked on and he did, but hey, now we do anyway. Don't expect a sequel for a while yet though, the first one only came out last year, and if it's still in the scripting stage, it likely won't shoot until sometime next year.

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