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The Walking Dead release date pushed back one week at retail

The Walking Dead is headed to retail for those of you admirably patient enough to wait for the whole season at once, but you'll be waiting ever so slightly longer than expected.

Originally expected on December 4, the physical release has been pushed back to December 11.

Available on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the retail release gathers all five episodes of Season One into a $30 bundle. A very limited special edition is exclusive to GameStop.

This information applies to the US and Canada only; no announcements have been made for other territories as yet, but TellTale promises to break its silence "very soon".

Released episodically on iDevice, Mac, PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the first season of The Walking Dead has received rave reviews, sold extremely well, and been praised by veteran adventure designers. The Walking Dead: Season Two is expected to debut in 2013. TellTale is due to expand, so it must be quite pleased with the results of its licensed adventure.

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