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The Simpsons: Hit and Run recreated in Dreams is a nice nostalgia trip

If you've ever pined for an HD remake of The Simpsons: Hit and Run, Dreams is as close as you're probably going to get.

Dreams creator ReivaJKH has recreated The Simpsons: Hit and Run in Media Molecule's Dreams.

It's a rather short sequence, going by the video of it posted to YouTube by OpyGam3r, but it's a rather good recreation of the game's characters and backyard.

The player can switch between each of the Simpson' characters, and each has its own abilities.

Watching the video really makes us want an HD re-release or remake of the game. Heck, even the original producer thinks it would be a good idea.

The game has continually popped up on our wishlists over the years here at VG247 and most recently in our Best PS2 games list.

The game was released way back in 2003 for GameCube, PS2 and the original Xbox before being ported to Windows. It was inspired by the Grand Theft Auto series, and the developers Radical Entertainment collaborated with the show's writers and cast on the dialogue.

If you played the game back in the day and want a decent trip down nostalgia lane, give ReivaJKH's creation a go. You can also always find a copy of the game on ebay.

Here's a look at some other neat creations in Dreams.

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