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Tales from the Borderlands protagonists detailed at SXSW

Tales from the Borderlands became slightly less mysterious this weekend thanks to a panel featuring members of both TellTale and Gearbox.


Hot on the heels of an new trailer for Tales of the Borderlands come details from a Gearbox and TellTale presentation at SXSW this weekend, as reported by Polygon.

At a panel called "Two Sides to Every Story - Tales from the Borderlands Unveiled at SXSW", the twin developer team gave information about the two characters shown in the new trailer, who aren't vault hunters but ordinary citizens of Pandora. Fiona is a con artist who can near-hypnotise targets with fast talk, while Rhys is a cybernetically-enhanced Hyperion employee who can use his arm to hack.

Both characters are playable and will be controlled alternately, and in doing so, the player will notice the differences in the way both unreliable narrators present their stories. Telltale's Kevin Bruner said the player doesn't experience what actually happened so much as"this Big Fish version of what happened".

The project will give Telltale a chance to flex its humour muscles, which are under-utilised in the very serious The Walking Dead, the team added.

Tales from the Borderlands is due later this year, but platform and release date information have not yet been confirmed.

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