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Tabata addresses Final Fantasy 15 Judgment demo disc concerns, says a patch will be issued

Final Fantasy 15 director Hajime Tabata has addressed concerns over bugs players in Japan found when playing the Judgment Disc demo.


The demo contains the opening of the game and ends somewhere around the middle of Episode One, but it has various level restrictions, so it's not a full experience. Hence being a demo. Once players finish, they are able to buy the game.

But it's not the only demo out in the wild. Per Tabata, thanks to the public demand for the Platinum demo, Square Enix has "decided to change its availability for it to last an entire year." The demo is available for both PS4 and Xbox One.

Now, about those bugs.

According to a series of tweets posted by Tabata on Twitter (thanks, Siliconera), the team is currently working on fixing the reported bugs and there are plans to release a patch for the implemented fixes.

"Please be assured that we’ll find the frequency of the bugs and make the adjustments accordingly," he said. "It took us about two months to get rid of all the bugs in order to have players get to the ending safely. I believe that the high evaluation of the demo this time around is a result of that.

"Since it’s difficult to completely fix every little thing, we will release a patch for its fixes. With the current technology, it is impossible to get rid of all the bugs of an open-world game in such little time, so please understand that the fixes will come steadily."

Final Fantasy 15 was originally set for release in September before being pushed into November so the team could address optimization issues as well as balance gameplay and squash bugs.

Tabata said back in August there were "still of number of bugs," but those would be fixed before release as he didn't want to issue a day one patch.

He said at the time not everyone has their console connected to the internet, which would imply some would not be able to apply a day-one patch. He cited data from Japan where it's thought that 20% do not have their consoles connected online.

It sounds as though a patch will arrive anyway, going by his comments on Twitter.

Final Fantasy 15 will be released on November 29 for PS4 and Xbox One.

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