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Super Smash Bros Ultimate Terry Bogard Tips

SNK’s Terry Bogard has been added to Smash Bros. Here’s how to play him.

After an impassioned 45-minute breakdown by Sakurai, Terry Bogard was launched into Super Smash Bros Ultimate. He looks to be a very interesting character indeed, combining iconic fighting game moves with new attacks that bring him more in-line with the fast pace of Smash. To help you be the best Terry that you can be, we’ve detailed his moveset, and will give some essential tips on using him.

Terry Bogard Tips

Terry Bogard has been added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. He is a fairly complex character, with several different special moves with multiple versions.

  1. Down Air can be used to add a meteor effect and slam players off-stage.
  2. Terry can use dodge attacks. During a spotdodge, immediately press the button to counter attack. Your upper body will be invincible throughout this move.
  3. You can hold the B button for longer to use a strong version for Power Wave.
  4. Triple Geyser will damage multiple enemies, though only the first enemy hit will suffer the full combo.
  5. Terry’s back-special Crack Shoot can be used to recover, though make sure you don’t input commands.
  6. The weak and strong versions of Rising Tackle have different heights.
  7. Hold down and crouch before you use rising tackle to add invincibility to Terry’s lower body.
  8. If you use a special straight after a standard attack, you can cancel out of it to speed up the animation.
  9. Input special attacks will leave you open to attack, so take care when using them.
Terry Bogard and Cappy | Nintendo

Terry Bogard’s Moveset and Controls

Special Move ControlsSpecial TypeSpecial Move Name
BNeutral SpecialPower Wave
Left Stick Forward + BSide SpecialBurning Knuckle
Left Stick Up + BUp SpecialRising Tackle
Left Stick Down + BDown SpecialPower Dunk
B when FS Meter is FullFinal SmashTriple Wolf

Terry Also Has a Back-Special, A First For the Series

Terry actually has a back-special, which can be used to throw him forward towards a player. It’s called Crack Shoot, and can also be used to recover back onto the stage. Just move the stick back, away from your opponent and press B.

Terry Will Always Face His Opponent

One thing to keep and mind when playing as Terry is that he will always face his opponent during 1 on 1 battles. This means it’s easier to land your Final Smash, as you won’t have to reposition if your opponent jumps or dodges behind you.

Special Move Inputs

Given that Terry is of fighting game fame, it’s apt that he actually has more powerful versions of special moves that are triggered using fighting game inputs. His Side and Down Specials can be activated using the following inputs:

  • Burning Knuckle: Down and to the Right (joystick) and then B
Buster Wolf Input Terry Bogard | Nintendo
  • Power Dunk: Right, Down and to the Right + B
Power Geyser Input Terry Bogard | Nintendo

GO Meter

Once Terry’s damage percentage goes above 100 (or if his stamina goes below a third of its total), the GO meter will activate. This unlocks two new super special moves: Power Geyser and Buster Wolf. Here are the specific inputs for each:

  • Power Geyser: Down and left, left and to the right + B
Power Geyser Input Terry Bogard | Nintendo
  • Buster Wolf: Down and to the right, Down and to the right + B
Buster Wolf Input Terry Bogard | Nintendo

Here’s His Final Smash

Terry’s Final Smash is called Triple Wolf. It launches three geysers onto the ground ahead, and will damage all opponents it connects with. The first opponent to be hit will actually be attacked further, with a combo of Power Dunk and Buster Wolf.

Alternate Outfits

As with all other fighters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Terry Bogard has some alternate outfits. You can check them out in the image below:

That’s everything you need to know about playing Terry Bogard in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. For more on the game, check out our guides for every character, from Kirby to Terry.

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