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Someone brought the weapons from new Doom into classic Doom

The new Doom is pretty great, and its devastating arsenal of weapons is one of the reasons why.


Someone brought the weapons from new Doom into classic Doom

Doom modders are a creative bunch, creating other games within the classic game and porting the game itself to everything that could run it.

The latest project comes by way of the ZDoom forums, where creators DBThanatos, Major Cooke, Michaelisare are attempting to recreate the new Doom in classic Doom.

The project is called DOOM for Doom and they have already brought the weapons to the framework of 1 & 2, thanks to Neccronixis, another modder who recreated the sprites.

You can see it in action below, and follow project updates at the link. There's currently no release date for it other than "soon."

Watch on YouTube

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