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Sega to integrate its eastern and western divisions

sega Sega's Takayuki Kawagoe says the firm is looking at changing its current management structure in order to integrate the eastern and western divisions

"We need more integration so projects and initiatives on both sides can benefit from everyone's experience and expertise," said the head of Sega's CS division.

Citing the recent ups and downs of Sega tiles, along with the downturn in the Japanese industry, Kawagoe admitted that the company's offerings had better critic ratings in Europe than in the States.

Critic ratings aside, it still did not translate into high sales and Kawagoe used MadWorld and Yakuza 3 as examples of this trend. MadWorld having sold 66,000 in the states and Yakuza 3 breaking even over in Japan.

One way Sega hopes to combat the slump and close the east/west gap is by extending its IP into media platforms such as the anime adaptation of Valkyria Chronicles for television.

More over on Edge.

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