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Quantic Dream's PS4 title has been in the works since mid-2012

Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls developer, Quantic Dream, was amongst the first developers to receive PS4 dev kits and began pre-production on its as-yet-unnannounced PS4 title in the middle of last year, the company's vice president has told Eurogamer.

Quantic Dream VP Guillaume de Fondaumière has revealed that the company received its PS4 dev kit last year and has been working on pre-production of its unannounced PS4 title "since the middle of last year."

de Fondaumière wouldn't be drawn on when full production is likely to begin or even when Quantic Dream will be ready to talk about the game, rumoured to be called Singularity, saying only that "It's a very ambitious project, so it's going to start when it's ready."

Previously, studio founder David Cage said that if people could see what the developer is doing with the PS4 technology they would be "amazed", further claiming that "It’s another world."

Quantic Dream is currently working on PS3-exclusive Beyond: Two Souls. On April 27, the game will be screened at the Tribeca Film Festival and followed by a panel featuring Cage and actress Ellen Page. Sony recently released the box art for Beyond: Two Souls, which is expected on PS3 in October.

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